teachers appear in many forms…

I found myself reading websites, like you are now. And because I know what it’s like to search for the “right” teachers, I give you the most valuable information and practices I’ve learned from my teachers, as well as some golden nuggets that I’ve learned through personal experience.

I am a student and teacher. I am an Energetic Alchemist.

My work supports you in living, functioning and creating from a more awakened state of being! You are here to go deeper into your spiritual awakening and to finally understand more about your innate abilities. The good news is that it only requires your decision to begin and allowance of change, through practice.

if you’re ready to clarify your spiritual intent, understand your role as a “healer”, activate the gifts of being an empath or access your higher states of consciousness…

I’ve simplified what I learned over the years in order to support you! You can bridge the gap between your physical and non-physical awareness. Choose from my guided, easy-to-follow courses, or schedule a personal session to gain clarity.


I AM as I am...

Self-Mastery Mentor

Energetic Alchemist | Intuitive | Mentor


11 lil’ facts to help you get to know ME

  1. I love energy work, and I do not subscribe to the limiting belief that there is only one way to be effective in your practice. In fact, through my courses you will learn a blend of techniques and principles. All roads lead to you.

  2. I am originally from Washington DC, but I currently reside in Southern California, which seems to be a hub for yogis and energy-workers.

  3. I used to see a pink, translucent woman in the kitchen every night before being told imagination wasn’t real. Fortunately, I’ve learned to accept the unseen and imagination as “normal” aspects of reality. I will teach you all about it in Intuitive Mastery.

  4. My passion for this work forced me out of being an introvert and into starting Reiki Radio. I’m in love with the podcast and the community that has grown out of it!

  5. I only meditate as I feel guided; I don’t force myself to reach a certain timeframe or outcome. If you’re just starting, the secret is to just sit, period (or use guided meditations).

  6. By the time I was 13, I lived in four different states. Let’s just say that without knowing the gifts of energetic alchemy, that was tough for a young empath. On the upside, I learned so much about diversity through various cities and friends of all cultures!

  7. I got started in this work because I was seeking peace, clarity and purpose. When I finally surrendered to the process, I became very acquainted with my ego and Higher Self. Reiki was the catalyst.

  8. I believe there is magic in all things; especially YOU!

  9. Self-healing has been the greatest and most challenging gift of my life.

  10. Even though she has crossed over, my grandmother is my daily inspiration to show up in love.

  11. I give thanks, everyday, to be able to work with students and clients from all over the world! I’m also thankful that you are here, now, ready to go deeper into your self-work in support of the collective…

yolanda, the energetic alchemist

Yolanda is a teacher of Energetic Alchemy, Intuitive Mentor and host of Reiki Radio podcast. She is also certified in Wellness Counseling, through Cornell University, using a blend of techniques to help clients and students achieve deeper understanding of themselves and initiate re-identification. Her work facilitates new levels of self-connection and reveals the dynamics of mind, body and energy. 

Yolanda trained with internationally recognized Reiki Masters in the lineages of Usui Reiki Ryoho and Jikiden Reiki®. She also trained with shamans and healers of various modalities, increasing her intuitive abilities and exploration of transformative self-observation. Her methods have helped Reiki practitioners, globally, and she recently created an oracle deck for seekers and practitioners of energetic alchemy. Through her podcast, Reiki Radio, Yolanda shares tools to support your spiritual journey, including interviews with healers and authors who practice techniques from various traditions. Her classes include Usui Reiki Ryoho, all levels, in San Diego, as well as mentoring and intuitive awakening courses, online. Her group virtual classes, through The Alchemy Circle, are open to practitioners of all levels and lineages.

All of this work is about your process of transformation…


I started with meditation and Reiki, simultaneously, as a way to conquer stress. It worked! I was amazed by the way I was changing…the way my life was changing, just by creating shifts within my energy and by learning how to calm my mind. And this was just the beginning. Once I realized how much control I had of my own state of being, I wanted to learn and understand more.

I continued to study Reiki, all levels, and then I began sharing what I learned with friends and family. As I continued to study and practice, I moved into other realms of Metaphysical techniques, including psychic and intuitive development. It was an exciting time and I was eager to continue developing my abilities. Then to integrate all of my being (mind, body and spirit), I went on to study yoga, completing Yoga Teacher Training (YTT).

Fortunately, I had the opportunities to study with some of the most amazing teachers, which is why I am dedicated to sharing what I have learned with you. We learn and grow in exchange. It’s not about the individual; we each influence the collective consciousness. As you evolve, we evolve.

The truth is that these tools and techniques are for anyone who seeks to understand who they are, why they are and their unlimited potential. We are all spiritual beings, in physical form. This is what makes us human. The secret is that we all have abilities, which have been labeled “spiritual gifts”. The key is learning how to access these inherent gifts and understand how to use them to serve your highest and best purpose.

how can you embody and express your true nature?


  • Empath

  • Intuitive

  • Healer

  • Teacher

  • Seeker

...just curious and exploring


The path of self-healing, growth and realization is ongoing. I am passionate about sharing these beautiful techniques with you because of the significant shifts they have created in my own life. I am dedicated to making energy-healing accessible to all and simplifying Metaphysical Science to help you understand the aspects that may seem overwhelming (and "woo-woo"). You don’t have to be a Fairy or Shaman to apply these universal principals in your life, but it’s perfectly fine if you are. In fact, you may be surprised to discover what and who you’ve always been, underneath layers of life experience…


  • Who am I?

  • What's my purpose?

  • What am I doing with my life?

  • How am I contributing to the world?

  • How can I better understand myself and others?

  • Why do I feel disconnected?

  • Where do I begin?


Self-realization opens us to so much more than I can put in this introduction. And remember, our journeys and gifts are unique. Yes, we have individual experiences, but we learn from each other, and so we evolve.

And if you're an Empath...

Surrounding energies can be exhaustively overwhelming! These tools have also helped me learn how to manage my empathic nature by realizing which energies are mine, and which are not, when sharing space with others. If you're unsure of what it means to be an Empath, you probably are if:

  • you become anxious in crowds because of overwhelming energy

  • you have a hard time sharing space with certain people, even if you can't rationalize why (it's just a feeling)

  • you can't watch certain things on tv/movies because of how you feel when seeing or hearing certain images/sounds

  • you are very uncomfortable in certain environments, seemingly without reason, but you can sense something is "off" 

Empaths have a natural sensitivity to energy, which can seem like a curse if you don't know how to manage and utilize this gift. It comes down to having an awareness of self, understanding that not everything you feel is your own AND that you can manage how you take in and process what you sense.

This awareness allows me to observe from a space of neutrality, as I support and guide you during sessions and classes. I also receive intuitive messages about old wounding and energetic challenges when working with clients, which helps you gain conscious awareness of your own soul-evolution.

All of my offerings are held with love, compassion, and without judgment. The roads to self-healing are personal and I have the utmost respect for the unique journeys of each client and student. My intention is always to help you recognize and connect with yourself, as well as discover your own answers. 

I look forward to sharing these gifts with you!

When you choose to schedule a session or class with me, feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. 

You are here, so you have already begun. Stretch beyond yesterday...honor yourself today!
