The Alchemy Circle, and path of self-mastery, facilitated by The Energetic Alchemist, Yolanda.

Activate your membership for group mentoring: lessons in energetic alchemy and guided journeys to accelerate your path of self mastery.


Annual Membership


2025 Membership Registration Open Unitl December 28, 2024 ~

Annual Membership 〰️ 2025 Membership Registration Open Unitl December 28, 2024 ~


the alchemy circle

Welcome to The Alchemy Circle | 2025, where we offer a transformative experience through group mentoring and incredible masterclasses for your journey of self-mastery.

Imagine being part of a community dedicated to exploring energetic alchemy and reclaiming your divine awareness. As a member, you will have access to recordings of our LIVE events while your membership is active. These resources are invaluable for deepening your understanding and practice of alchemy, allowing you to absorb the teachings at your own pace and convenience.

In addition to our regular offerings, membership in The Alchemy Circle grants you exclusive invites to other events and online courses throughout the year. These opportunities serve to enhance your learning experience, providing diverse perspectives and expanding your knowledge base. By engaging with a variety of content and practices, you are empowered to discover new dimensions of your alchemical journey. This community is a safe space for energetic alchemists to connect, learn, and grow, free from any harmful behaviors or misconduct. It is crucial to us that all members feel respected and supported in their exploration of the mysteries of energetic alchemy.

Live classes held weekly:

  • Tuesday's (Reiki Practices) 11am PST | 2pm EST | 7pm UK

  • Thursday's (Other Aspects of Energetic Alchemy) 4pm PST | 7pm EST | 12am (Friday's) UK

    *Additional classes held on Wednesday's throughout the year, including some weekend events

    Joining The Alchemy Circle in 2025 means stepping into a space where every meeting is thoughtfully crafted to inspire and guide you on your spiritual journey. Through alchemical guided journeys and powerful exercises, you will have the opportunity to directly experience the transformative energies we work with. These sessions are not just about learning concepts intellectually; they are designed to help you embody and integrate these teachings into your being. Whether it's exploring the depths of shadow work or harnessing the power of manifestation, each session is a unique opportunity for personal growth and spiritual expansion.


    Since its inception in 2020, The Alchemy Circle has been a gathering place for seekers and Reiki practitioners looking for community support and exchange. Recognizing the importance of dedication and consistency in spiritual practice, I created this space to offer a supportive atmosphere where members can share their experiences, insights, and challenges. Being part of a community that understands and encourages your journey can make all the difference in staying committed to your path. The collective energy of the group amplifies individual intentions and fosters a sense of belonging that is invaluable on the spiritual quest.


    If you ever find yourself unable to attend a live session, don't worry - all meetings are recorded and available for you to revisit at your convenience. This ensures that you won't miss out on any valuable teachings or experiences, allowing you to stay connected and engaged with the group's energy even if you're unable to physically be present. The Alchemy Circle is not just a series of meetings; it is a vibrant, living container of shared wisdom, love, and support that transcends time and space. Welcome to a community where your spiritual growth is nurtured, and your journey is honored with reverence and understanding.


    In addition to our weekly Alchemy Circles, you will also have access to NEW, online courses throughout the year (as long as your membership is active)...

  • Life Chapters: December 29, 2024 - December 28, 2025

  • The Wisdom of Nine, January 8th - 19th 2025

  • Mysteries of the Angel Numbers: January 11th 2025

  • Birthday Bash, Energy and Intuition: January 22nd 2025

  • ​Pulse of Reiki: January 29th - Feb 23rd 2025

  • The Ultimate Healing Guide: April 2nd - 30th 2025

  • Channeling 101: May 7th - June 4th 2025

  • Oracle School: August 6th - September 3rd 2025

  • Thinning of the Veil: October 1st - November 2nd 2025

...if more online classes are added throughout the year, as a member, you will have automatic enrollment and access!

*This is a safe space for energetic alchemists to learn, share and deepen their practices, FREE from harmful behaviors or misconduct. I reserve the right to cancel and/or block membership at any time.

No matter where you are in your journey, you're invited to join this beautiful community of fellow energetic alchemists.

In our meetings, you will experience a unique blend of intuition, guided journeys, and exercises designed to provide you with direct experiences related to our discussion topics. Whether you are exploring radical self-love, delving into the depths of your relationship energy, or seeking to master the art of creation consciousness, our sessions are crafted to offer you profound insights and transformative experiences. Our community is built on support and exchange, where each member contributes to the collective growth and learning of all.

This year, our focus is on energetic alchemy, a practice that delves into the realms of self-discovery, personal empowerment, and spiritual growth. By exploring topics such as self-mastery, re-identification, universal laws, and creation consciousness, you will embark on a journey of deepening your understanding of yourself and the world around you. Through engaging discussions, interactive exercises, and shared experiences, you will unlock new levels of awareness and insight that will empower you to create the life you desire and deserve. The wisdom shared within The Alchemy Circle will guide you on a path of self-discovery and transformation, helping you tap into your true potential, shaping life to become more aligned with your highest purpose.


Understanding your spiritual nature and the magic of your design is essential in shaping your perception, experiences, and contributions to all aspects of your life. To truly step into your power, you must first become the master of your own mind, emotions, will, sacred temple, and energy. This mastery involves diving deep into self-discovery, introspection, and self-love. By honoring your journey, embracing your growth, and being open to accept and forgive the aspects of yourself that are in need of transformation, you set the foundation for profound personal evolution.

Self-love is not just about surface-level affirmations or external validations. It is a deep, profound acknowledgment and acceptance of all parts of yourself – the light and the shadow, the strengths and the vulnerabilities. It is about cultivating a healthy relationship with yourself, where you prioritize your well-being, growth, and inner alignment. By choosing to purify your heart and mind, you embark on a journey of soul-level healing and growth. This process requires courage, compassion, and a willingness to embrace the discomfort that often accompanies inner transformation.

As you delve deeper into the exploration of your true essence and spiritual connection, you will uncover layers of conditioning, beliefs, and patterns that no longer serve your highest good. By shedding these layers and releasing what no longer aligns with your authentic self, you create space for new insights, wisdom, and growth to emerge. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and self-mastery with an open heart and a curious mind, knowing that the magic of your being lies in the depths of your willingness to explore, accept, and transform into the highest expression of yourself.

Embarking on the path of energetic alchemy involves delving into three key points of focus: 

  • Know Thyself: By deeply knowing oneself, one can uncover hidden beliefs, patterns, and energies that may be holding them back.​

  • Master Thyself: Through self-mastery, individuals learn to navigate their inner landscape with grace and precision, allowing for the alchemical transmutation of lower vibrational states into higher frequencies of love, peace, and harmony.​

  • Become True Self: As you progress towards becoming your true self, you align more fully with your authentic essence, shedding layers of conditioning and societal expectations to reveal the brilliance of your unique soul.​


These foundational principles serve as guiding lights on your journey of self-discovery and transformation. 


Throughout this course, we will explore these principles through the lens of Reiki, a powerful system of energy healing that promotes balance and harmony on all levels - physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. Reiki serves as a practical tool for understanding and working with the subtle energies that underlie all of creation, inviting us to deepen our connection to our inner selves and the world around us. By integrating the wisdom of Reiki with other modalities of energetic alchemy, we will expand our understanding of how energy flows, shifts, and manifests in our lives. Through weekly classes held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, you will have the opportunity to engage in practices, discussions, and meditations that will support your growth, evolution, and embodiment of your true expression.

Whether you are able to join us live or access the class recordings at your convenience, know that you are held in a space of deep honor and support. As your guide through this year-long journey of energetic alchemy, I am here to facilitate your exploration, provide insight, and encourage your self-discovery. Together, we will cultivate a community committed to growth, healing, and transformation. Embrace this opportunity to step into the flow of universal energy, align with your highest potential, and awaken to the magic that resides within you. 

membership is a subscription through teachable: $1922 for a year of mentoring, 2025

*Membership includes access to class recordings, while your membership is active, and exclusive access to other events/classes throughout the year! You’ll also have access to all class recordings while your membership is active.

Welcome to The Alchemy Circle - where the alchemical transformation begins!

In gratitude,



path of self mastery


Welcome to the 2025 Path of Self-Mastery, where you will embark on a transformative journey within The Alchemy Circle. As a member, you will have access to a community of practitioners and seekers who are dedicated to personal growth and self-discovery. Through weekly group mentoring sessions, you will have the opportunity to share insights, learn from others, and receive guidance from an experienced mentor of energetic alchemy. These sessions will provide you with support as you navigate the complexities of your unique spiritual awakening. Imagine being surrounded by a supportive collective that understands your experience and is there to uplift and inspire you along the way.

Path of Self Mastery, Membership

Beyond our weekly Alchemy Circles, you will also have access to NEW, online courses throughout the year (as long as your membership is active). Your membership also includes monthly, personal one-to-one sessions tailored to support your individual path of self-discovery. These sessions are designed to delve deep into your personal challenges, goals, and aspirations. Your mentor will provide personalized guidance, tools, and techniques to help you navigate obstacles, deepen your self-awareness, and accelerate your progress towards self-mastery. Whether you are seeking clarity, healing, or transformation, these sessions offer a safe and sacred space for you to explore, grow, and evolve into the best version of yourself.

Furthermore, your journey of self-mastery will be enriched with powerful masterclasses that delve into the mysteries of energetic alchemy. These classes will equip you with the knowledge and skills to harness the power of energy, shift your consciousness, and manifest your desires with intention and precision. By mastering the principles of energetic alchemy, you will learn to transmute negativity into positivity, chaos into order, and limitation into limitless potential. Are you ready to illuminate your path, unlock your innate gifts, and embody the essence of self-mastery?

Join us in The Alchemy Circle, PLUS prioritize your personal processes as a member of the Path of Self Mastery. This is your year to step into a world of infinite possibilities and transformation...

Membership is a subscription through teachable: $3600/annual membership

*Membership includes access to class recordings, while your membership is active, and exclusive invites to other events throughout the year!

because of our 1:1 work, SPACE IS LIMITED IN PSM- register now to reserve your membership

Welcome to your community, I can't wait to see you in class and in session...

In gratitude,
